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We Offer many dry cleaning, Coin Laundry and alterations services for Mecklenburg County residents in the State of North Carolina. If you are interested in our services, please see the “How Does It Work” section at the bottom of this page.

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Dry cleaning is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using an organic solvent other than water. Special solvents and soaps are used so as not to harm fabrics and dyes that will not withstand the effects of ordinary soap and water. This process is gentler than regular washing because it reduces the possibility of shrinkage and/or color loss.

Some buttons are made out of materials that can’t withstand normal dry-cleaning or washing procedures. Our policy is to identify and remove these types of buttons before cleaning. Over time, laundered shirt buttons may crack due to the heat & pressure used to properly press the shirt. When this happens, we replace them.

The most important thing to do is to clean your clothes before storing them. Moths are attracted to any food or stains that are left on your clothes. Moths are also attracted to natural fibers such as wool, silk, etc., so we suggest that they be stored in mothproof bags.

Some spots adhere to the fabric or dye in such a way that the spot removal process needed to break down the stain may also break down the fabric or dye, thereby ruining the garment. When we discover this type of stain, our policy is to stop attempting to remove it before any damage to the garment occurs.

Dry cleaning is similar to washing but without the water. Dry cleaned garments are cleaned in a machine that looks like a giant washer with one major difference – instead of using water or anything water based, a liquid is used that does not contain any water.
Three things cause shrinkage in garments, heat, mechanical action, and moisture. By removing moisture from the cleaning process and replacing it with a liquid that contains no water, garments like your wool pants can now be safely cleaned without shrinkage. Materials like wool and silk generally have to be dry cleaned. By eliminating moisture from the cleaning process we are able to get your garments clean while extending their life all without shrinking anything.

After your items are cleaned, they are pressed. Pressing is what takes the wrinkles out of your garments.

Yes, we offer leather & suede cleaning service. It usually takes 5-10 days.

Yes, we can process your items without using scent, simply let the CSR know and they will document your account.

These are yellow, tan or brown stains from fruit juice, soda, tomato juice, beer, or wine spills on a garment that show up after cleaning. These stains are usually invisible at first but when the substance is subjected to the heat of drying and finishing, the reduced sugar in these beverages will caramelize and turn colors, resulting in a stain. Remember to always point the soiled areas out so we can pre-spot them before cleaning.

Regular cleaning will help keep dust, smoke and contaminates out of your drapes, providing for a longer life expectancy. Prolonged sun exposure and moisture that forms on windows and comes in contact with the drapes can cause problems. The sun can cause the fabric to rot, which will result in shredding when the drape is pulled or cleaned. Water from the window can cause stains and dark rings when the water dries. If cleaned immediately, these stains usually will come out. Otherwise, this type of damage may be irreversible depending on the type and color of the material.

Some garments have dyes that are sensitive to the metals in jewelry and when in prolonged contact with your clothes, discoloration may occur. It is a rare occurrence but it can happen.

Professional dry cleaners specialize in stain removal and expert pressing that restores your clothes to a clean, crisp like-new look, which cannot be accomplished with a home dry cleaning kit. Home drying kits can remove some wrinkles and certain water based stains, but are ineffective in removing ground-in soils and oil-based stains.

The care label is only required by law to provide one proper way to clean the garment. Most garments are dry cleanable, which is the preferred method and is a gentler process. However, depending on how the garment is constructed, dyed and finished, it may need to be wet cleaned or washed. When in doubt, we test for the safest way to clean your garment.

The bags are provided to protect the garments from dirt and dust until you get them home. It is best to remove the plastic bag and then place your garments in a climate controlled vented closet.

These types of garments are sensitive to perfume, deodorant, perspiration, hair spray, food and beverages. Avoid prolonged contact with any of these substances, which can result in discoloration of the fabric. We recommend cleaning after each wear. Also, have all matching pieces of an outfit cleaned together to maintain consistency of appearance.

Removal is usually easier if the garment is brought in promptly with no home remedies applied. Home remedies such as hair spray, only makes the stain worse by creating a glue stain. Ink stains come in a variety of colors and complexions and might be water or oil based. Professional spotting techniques are the most effective way to remove ink stains.

While there are many reasons to send your garments to a professional dry cleaners, the most important reason is to prolong the life of your garments while keeping them looking their best. One of the properties of dry cleaning solvent is that it is much gentler than water on your garments. Another property is that it cleans grease and dirt out of garments much better than with water.

Take caution when using home remedies. It is usually easier for us to remove an untreated stain. We recommend that you bring it in the cleaners as soon as possible. Any stain becomes more difficult to remove the longer it remains on the garment. Heat can set stains, so it’s best not to leave them in a hot car all day before taking them to the cleaners. Be sure to point out all stains to your dry cleaner.

Some coats and jackets are made of bonded material. Bonding is when the manufacturer glues two or more fabrics together to produce a certain look and feel. Over time, the glue eventually breaks down leaving a puckered appearance when it separates. To see if a coat is bonded, lift up the inner lining and take notice of the backside of the outer material. If it is not the same material and has a foam backing or a mesh material, then it is bonded.